Your money-making mission statement in 15 minutes

How to write a mission statement that will entice your audience to stay on your website

Phil Weyland
3 min readJun 10, 2021

You have decided to become a coach or have been a coach but want to grow your audience by moving online.

You need to make sure your mission statement is compelling within three seconds so your audience stays on your website for long enough to want to consider working with you.

What is a mission statement?

It’s an elevator pitch or flash presentation.

It’s a sentence describing what you are selling in only a few seconds.

Mission statement example: “I am Phil Weyland and I help coaches get online fast!”

Other more famous mission statement action-based examples include TED’s short and to the point “Spread ideas”, Tesla’s famous “To accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy” or Apple’s first mission statement “To make a contribution to the world by making tools for the mind that advance humankind”.

Nike’s mission statement also resonates: “Do everything possible to expand human potential”.

How to write a mission statement?

Whether it is for your for profit coaching business or for a non-profit organisation or charity, remember that mission statement writing is about your audience, not about you.

Too many people focus on what they have achieved and why they are doing this.

When you visit a website it is to get an answer to your problem fast.

Not about discovering who is behind the website, how they’ve built it or why they are in this business. This comes much later.

The web makes people selfish.

So, in order for people to stay on your website, your mission statement needs to cover the following:

1. The problem you are solving

2. The solution you are offering

3. Why you are the best person to deliver that solution

4. The value they will get out of working with you

When faced with these four points, coaches and consultants tend to come up with mission statements that are between 50 and 100 words.

It’s understandable to have long elevator pitches because you are the expert and you feel like you need to expand to cover all angles.

Your customer, however, will only be interested in a fraction of what you have to offer and will only be attracted to the very specific benefit that applies to him or her.

If you have had clients in the past you probably know what these specific benefits are.

However, if you are a newbie you will still need to figure it out.

They key for newbies to address this issue is to first figure out what your “ideal customer” looks like and try it out on them.

Long mission statements can work in an elevator but they will fail online.

Mission statements need to be readable in under three seconds. Otherwise people will scroll away.

The key therefore is to filter, chop, cut, edit and… cut again….and again.

Like packing a suitcase.

This is why I have prepared the Magnetic Mission Statement worksheet to help coaches and consultants craft the perfect mission statement that will convert website visitors.

The worksheet gets you to focus on what matters to your ideal customers and deliver that message in under three seconds.

It will help your website visitors stay on your home page for longer and get them to take action.

The Magnetic Mission Statement worksheet’s six-step process will get you to switch off your computer (that’ll feel nice!) and have you think about (i) what your customers need, (ii) their journey and (iii) how you can help them achieve their goals.

Be Heroic!


Originally published at



Phil Weyland

Phil is a forty-something tech entrepreneur and investor with two young boys in tow. My current mission is to help coaches and consultants get online fast